Man holding a model house in his hand.

May 20, 2024 - by MSBA Staff

Key Issues in Maryland Residential Real Estate Transactions

Residential real estate transactions in Maryland involve several critical considerations that real estate attorneys, realtors, lenders, and brokers must navigate to ensure smooth and lawful dealings. 

Contractual Nuances

Maryland has specific requirements for real estate contracts that must be meticulously followed. Real estate professionals must ensure that all agreements, including offers, counteroffers, and contingencies, comply with state laws. Key elements include clear terms regarding property condition, financing contingencies, and the responsibilities of each party.

Disclosure Requirements

Maryland mandates comprehensive disclosure obligations to protect buyers. Sellers must provide the Maryland Residential Property Disclosure and Disclaimer Statement, detailing known defects and issues with the property. Failure to comply with disclosure requirements  can lead to legal disputes and potential liability for both sellers and their agents.

Title and Ownership Issues

Title searches are crucial to verify the property's legal ownership and uncover any liens, easements, or encumbrances that might affect the transaction. Real estate attorneys play a vital role in ensuring that the title is clear and marketable, which is essential for the transaction to proceed.

Closing Procedures

The closing process in Maryland requires  the coordination of various parties, including lenders, title companies, and attorneys. Ensuring that all documents are correctly prepared and signed, funds are appropriately transferred, and that the transaction complies with Maryland law is essential for a successful closing.

Financing and Appraisal Challenges

Securing financing  can present challenges. Real estate professionals must assist clients in navigating mortgage options and ensuring that properties meet appraisal requirements. Delays or discrepancies in appraisals can derail a transaction, making proactive management essential.

Title Insurance

Title insurance safeguards against potential title defects, liens, or encumbrances that were not identified during the title search. Despite thorough searches, undisclosed heirs, errors in public records, or forged documents can pose significant risks. Title insurance policies offer financial protection against these unforeseen issues, ensuring that the buyer’s ownership interest is secure and that lenders are protected from losses related to the property's title. 

Federal Income Tax Consequences

Understanding federal income tax consequences is essential in residential real estate transactions. Maryland homeowners may benefit from the federal primary residence exclusion; on the flip side, buyers should be aware of potential tax deductions related to mortgage interest and property taxes. Realtors and brokers should guide clients to seek advice from tax professionals to understand how these federal tax laws impact their specific situation, ensuring informed financial decisions during the transaction process.

MSBA’s Residential Real Estate Transactions, 5th Edition (2024) provides a thorough examination of essential topics, including the beginning stages of a sale, contracts, title insurance, lender involvement, pre-closing hurdles, settlement intricacies, and federal tax implications, this book serves as an indispensable resource for attorneys seeking clarity and guidance in their practice.