Now Hold on a Minute - There Are Laws that Apply to Crypto? Current State of the Law Governing Cryptocurrency and Other Digital Assets

Now Hold on a Minute - There Are Laws that Apply to Crypto

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are all the rage, a current "hot" topic among adherents, investors, regulators, and governments, with some jurisdictions banning them altogether while others take steps to promote their use and encourage the investment that can go with them. The regulatory structure surrounding cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, however, can be confusing and uncertain. Are they securities? Commodities? Money? All three? Do you have to pay taxes in connection with the receipt, holding, or selling of digital assets, and if so, how? Join us for a discussion on the current state of the regulatory environment with respect to digital assets and where it might be heading.

Presented by Penny Somer-Greif, Baker Donelson

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