Fiduciary Litigation: Contested Wills, Trusts, Inter Vivos Transfers and Guardianships

Fiduciary Litigation: Contested Wills, Trusts, Inter Vivos T

Get the latest from experienced faculty led by Fred Franke, Esq., on evidentiary rules unique to fiduciary litigation, beneficiary enforcement actions, ethics concerns and obligations to compromised clients, caveat and guardianships, and all the crucial issues around fiduciary litigation.

Five (5) hours (1.0 ethics) CLE credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states of Virginia, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

This On-Demand is also available as part of the Essentials of Maryland Estate and Trust Practice curriculum. This curriculum offers the courses and publications in one package, that would cost hundreds more to purchase separately. Learn more!

Discounted member price: 195.00
You could save: 9.3%

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